Discover the joy of fundraising!
You’re joining a community of everyday people making a difference. The good news is you don’t need to be a fundraising expert to raise money.
Personal Fundraising Ideas
Birthday social media posts
As an example, we have found that the most popular option is to create a social media fundraising page for your birthday. Facebook makes it really easy to do a birthday fundraiser, but we can help show you how to do this on any platform! Reach out to Kim and we can get this set up!
Group Fundraising Ideas
Enjoy seeing the amount of your donation grow by working together with your group. This is so fulfilling and increases your bonding as a community.
Some ideas for organizations, clubs, congregations and faith communities:
- Host a program such as a book or movie discussion and a UURISE team member will join your group (virtual or in person) to discuss immigration topics! Include a method to donate to UURISE and your planning is complete.
- Engage your youth in fundraising for UURISE as a project – they can do a bake sale or car wash or talent show – the ideas are endless and it gives them the opportunity to serve, fundraise and learn about UURISE.
- Host a UURISE Virtual Fundraising Porch Party, Circle Supper or Fundraising Salon.
- Host a Virtual Create Justice Art event – socialize, paint, and have fun! A talented UURISE team member will guide you and your friends step by step to create your own work of art.
- Host a Virtual Loteria Game night – a traditional Mexican game similar to, but more dynamic than bingo. UURISE will provide the game leader, virtual tools, and instructions.
For congregations and small group ministries:
- Invite a UURISE team member to be a speaker for a meeting or pulpit supply for a worship service. They can speak on our work related to a particular topic or help with a worship service that focuses on the immigrant and refugee. In providing an honorarium for speaking, you have donated to UURISE.
- Pass the Plate at your faith community gathering or worship service (some call this a plate share) to support UURISE.
Workplace Fundraising Ideas
Corporate gifts
Do you own a company or work for a company? You can engage like-minded colleagues to increase our corporate funding and sponsorship. This is so fulfilling and increases corporate bonding as a group.
Matching gifts
Employers and companies may have matching gifts programs or have a donation policy. You may be able to arrange for UURISE to be a recipient.
In-kind gifts
We also receive in-kind donations. Your products may be some of the many items that our work requires. Reach out to Kim and we can discuss.
We know that you feel a deep connection to your values that you share with us! You are an integral part of our mission and vision to advance justice and human rights for immigrants and refugees. This work – that is somewhat complex and heavy – is best shared among many hands. Thank you so much for your support of UURISE!
Get in touch
Start a conversation with us about your fundraising goals.